HCL · CoinWatch(Bitcoin Tracker)
Fintech · iOS & WatchOS · Lead UI/UX Designer

The Apple Watch Launch
With the release of the Apple Watch, the Co-Innovation Lab wanted to test the capabilities of the new device (pre-release). The idea for a simple Bitcoin tracker was conceived between design and tech. Designs were quickly iterated as each new limitation was discovered.

Day & Night
The initial designs used matching white designs for both the iPhone and the Apple Watch, however tests quickly showed that the results were sub-optimal due to the black bezel on the watch. While an argument could be made that you could simply round the white edges off through dev in the Watch app, the small size of the screen made the final design look cramped.

Other limitations were soon discovered, such as the updating of the chartline on the Apple Watch and animation. The bluetooth connection between the iPhone and the Apple Watch simply wasn't fast enough to update everything smoothly, and as such, designs for having a similar animated round face on the watch were discarded for a lighter design.